Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Finally finished....

Yes, you can cheer for me, because I FINALLY finished Bag of Bones by Stephen King. It took me a long time, and I'm not exactly sure why...I did read another book during this one, and Bag of Bones was a little over 500 pages long...but still I don't think it should've taken me this long. But nothing I can do about it now except talk about how much I enjoyed the book. I think it's my new favorite :) I haven't really been able to claim a book as "my favorite" until now, minus Harry Potter books and books I was forced to read for school. Now I can officially say I have a favorite when I am asked, no hesitations. The book did end up tying up loose ends, though some of them were kind of quick little things that were easy to miss.

I'm trying to read The Screwtape Letters, but honestly I'm just not getting very into it... I'm finding it really hard to understand. I really want to read the book! But right now Stephen King is catching my attention. I started reading It yesterday and it is FREAKING ME OUT already. I want to watch the movie so I can see if the way I'm picturing the clown is close to the movie, but I don't want to watch the movie yet because it might give stuff away! I'm only on page 70 but already I've been scared as I'm lying in my bed about to sleep. The last page part I read before bed was of someone being attacked by the smiling clown who turned into a crazy beast...when I turned the lights out, I felt like I could see the clown standing right by my door. I had to squeeze my eyes shut and try to sleep. Haha. And this is just the beginning! We'll see how this turns out...

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