Thursday, September 15, 2011

almost done with another book! about to start another

I'm STILL reading Bag of Bones, but I only have about 150 pages left! Its a long book, so that sounds like a lot of pages, but its really only a quarter of the book.

Anyway, the chapters I read the past couple days involved the start of the romantic relationship between Michael and Mattie. They, along with Kyra, go on a picnic, and as Kyra watches a juggler in the park, Mattie and Michael exchange a long passionate kiss, and Mike knows that Mattie is completely in love with him. She tells him to come to her trailer that night (as white trash as that sounds, she's really the opposite), and as much as he wants to, he decides not to for a few reasons. Also that night, he learns that his deceased wife Jo definitely wasn't having an affair...she was with her brother that night she was seen with another man. They had been down at Sara Laughs because (ahhhh) Jo was down searching the house...she felt that it was haunted. she KNEW it was haunted. And she told her brother that the house had chosen Mike. Mike was shocked by this because usually Jo is the one who does the house searching.

The saddest part to Mike was that Jo had known the house was dangerous, and there was something happening inside of it; but, she was waiting to tell him about it until he was finished writing his  book, because he never pays attention while writing his books. She had died before she could tell him any of the news, including her being pregnant.

While I'm working on finishing this book up, today I started to read The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis. I've kind of wanted to read this book for a while because I'm a Christian and I've read the Chronicles of Narnia and seen the movies. I've heard this book was really good and I'm just excited to see if it makes my faith in God even stronger than it is now. Unfortunately I've only read a few pages, so I'll have to see if I like the book a little later on...

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