Friday, September 9, 2011


Reading:  Bag of Bones by Stephen King
               Palo Alto stories by James Franco

Pages read of Bag of Bones: 285-295
Pages read of Palo Alto:1-149

Total this week: 159 pages

Total over the semester: 444 pages

Favorite Sentences this week:

1. "While I was parking in my driveway, I saw the cop who went with the car. He was walking toward me. Like a gentleman, I got out of the car."

This sentence is so ironic to me, because he says "like a gentleman," yet he's getting arrested.

2. "We all have a voice or style, but it takes practice, practice to find it."

I just find this quote kind of inspirational because it means we don't have to be like the rest.

3. "We kicked them until the lion lost its face; it was bent inward, the eyes all wrong."

They're talking about little rocking horse type things at the playground, and this kind of just showed me the loss of innocence over the years that teenagers have. One minute they love the playground, the next they're destroying everything on it.

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