Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Depressing reading today...

Just as the book was getting soooo good! Mike and Mattie were really starting to fall in love I think. Mike, Mattie, and their lawyers all had a picnic at Mattie's trailer to celebrate. Ki falls asleep and Mike goes to tuck her in, and Mattie follows. They begin to hold eachother and Mike realizes that he needs Mattie...he decides he's going to come over that night, and things begin to feel alright. Then...ugh! Two men in a truck start shooting at them all, and guess who ends up dead? Mattie. She dies with half her face blown off, in the arms of Mike, screaming for someone to protect her daughter.

This really bums me out. I mean, I was so looking forward to seeing the relationship between Mattie and Mike grow, since its odd that people with age differences as big as they have would be in a relationship. And Mike treats Ki so nicely, he's like a father to her. They have a special bond, considering they both know about the ghosts in the area. HOWEVER...i believe Ki has some kind of ability to tell the future, because the last words she said to Mike before she fell asleep (and before her mom died) were..."Take care of me, Mike?" Kind of creepy...but I want to know if he ends up taking care of her or not!

I think this part of the book has made me the most upset that I have been throughout the entire book. I actually stopped reading, looked up, and said out loud, "Well this sucks." And it made me realize that the book is almost over...sometimes its easy to get really lost in a book. We talked about this in psychology today actually. One type of daydreaming is getting so deep into a book that that's all you can think about and all you want to do and nothing can distract you from it. When I'm reading a good book, this happens quite easily. And this book would be one of those books.
On a happier note, I found 2 vocab words this week, which means extra credit will be coming my way :)

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