Friday, September 23, 2011


Bag of Bones by Stephen King
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

Bag of Bones: 375-490  115 pages
Screwtape Letters: 10-25 15 pages

Total this week: 130 pages
Total this semester: 725 pages

Favorite sentences of the month:
1. "We all have a voice or style, but it takes practice, practice to find it."

This is so true because, although it sounds cheesy, we are all different in our own way, and we were all made with different voices and styles, but when you're young, you don't really know what that is until you try to find it.

2. "When you're on your own, strange behavior really doesn't seem that strange at all."

Again, I do a lot of stupid and strange things when I'm alone, like singing or making up little adventures, and it's really stupid, but I'm by myself, so it's not really that weird to make up something fun to do.

3. "Sleeping dogs, I told myself each time. Sleeping dogs, Michael."
I like this one because he's talking to himself and trying to convince himself to not do something stupid. I talk to myself alot when dealing with people because I really want to get angry sometimes, but I talk myself out of it.

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