Friday, September 23, 2011

Bag of Bones...almost done

This week I didn't get as much reading done as normal, only about 125 pages. But this part has been the one that's made me jump out of my seat the most. I was actually legit scared, and everytime I heard a sound, or saw something while reading in my room, I jumped or jerked like there was actually something about to hurt me. I've never really done that with books before, probably because this is the first Stephen King novel I've ever read. It's a pretty dark book, but I think there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

In the middle of the book, letters would mysteriously move around on the refrigerator and say "go 19 down" and "go 92 down". Mike does a lot of crosswords, so he thought they might be referring to a crossword puzzle that he'd done before. However, he searched through all his hundreds of puzzle books and couldn't find anything related to the house.

In the last chapters I read, Mike and Ki drove back to Sara Laughs in the middle of the storm. He gave her some "sad medicine" (Benadryl) to go to sleep and as she slept he made a discovery--the "go 19 down" was on page 19 of the book he'd been writing...down the page, each first line had a letter and down the page it said "owls under studio". The owls his wife had purchased were in the studio. This discovery gave me chills, because I love mysteries and discoveries like that.

I still haven't finished the book, but by this weekend I'll have it completely read. I think after I read The Screwtape Letters, I'm going to start on another Stephen King book because I just liked this book so much. I was actually interested in the book unlike books I usually read. Its weird, but I kinda like the feeling of being scared, and this book definitely gave me that feeling.

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