Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Screwtape Letters

I wish I had more time in the week to just read. I really enjoy reading, but these past couple months have literally been the most stressful months of my life. I feel like I have no time for anything and worrying is a big struggle for me because I do it all the time. Hopefully when cross country ends I'll be able to relax and start reading as much as I want to.


At this point in The Screwtape Letters, Screwtape says that Wormwood is losing his "patient", because he let the man indulge in simple pleasures such as taking a walk alone, or drinking tea at an old mill. He says that when men our left to do these things, they find a greater appreciation for the "Enemy," or in a Christian's words, God. However, he claims there is still hope to get the patient back to the side of "Our Father Below," by preventing the patient from "doing" anything. This means that he can think whatever he wants, but his actions must be prevented, because "active habits are strengthened by repetition but passive ones are weakened. Therefore, if he only thinks it, that certain thing is weakened.

I think this book is a good book for me to read because its more than just the typical Christian book. It displays the thoughts of demons who are trying to pull you away from God, and I think it's a really helpful tool if you want to strengthen your faith. In letter 14, Screwtape discusses how people find themselves to be humble, and say to themselves, "Wow! I'm really humble!"...which, alas, makes the person a proud person. I feel like thats how I am a lot of times. I'll say to myself that I'm more humble than others, and kind of be proud of myself for that...which makes me proud. And these demons are talking about how this thought of mine makes it easier for them to get into my head and try to change my beliefs. It's kind of scary actually, but it makes me realize that I really need to start living for God rather than myself. 

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