Monday, October 24, 2011

Heaven is really for real

This weekend I finished the book Heaven Is For Real, by Todd Burpos. It was an extraordinary book and I recommend it to anyone. It was just so weird to hear about Heaven from a little boy's point of view, and how everything he saw was correct according to the Bible, and reality. Like the fact that he could pick out his grandfather from Heaven, when he'd never even met him before he died. It was just crazy to read, and a couple parts made me tear up. It was a very quick read. It probably took me between two and three hours to read.

This weekend I also read more of It. And right now I'm watching a scary movie on Lifetime Movie Network (a.k.a. Lame Movie Network according to my dad), so it kinda fits right now. Although the only thing this movie and the book It have in common are missing children. This movie's pretty dumb, but It is a really good book! I'm about a third of the way done. I'm waiting to get extremely scared, like the pee your pants kind of scared, which hasn't happened yet. But I think it will happen soon...I'm not sure if I'm going to read another Stephen King book this semester. I want to try some other genres for a while, and maybe books that aren't 1,000 pages plus long, so that I don't feel overwhelmed. And so I can carry the book with me in my book bag and not have it weigh 18 pounds. That would be fantastic. So I'll have to venture to the IMC soon and find some new good books. Oh and I should probably finish The Screwtape Letters too, I forgot about that one. But I don't know if I really feel like finishing. I'm more interested in reading an actual story at this point.

Anyway, I'M SO EXCITED FOR HALLOWEEN:) it used to be my favorite holiday. Now Christmas is my favorite, but Halloween is a close second. I can't believe its coming up in a week already!

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