Friday, October 14, 2011


This semester I have done more reading than I have in a long time. I don't remember the last time I read a lengthy book I actually wanted to read...probably freshman year when I read a couple books over winter break. I've noticed that when I have time to do whatever I want, I'll dive into one of my books. This semester, the book that has challenged me so far is The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis, since its from a devil's point of view which is obviously not my point of view, so its different to read from someone else's perspective. The most pleasurable reading to me was Bag of Bones and It, not because the reading was nice and calm, but because it was really intense and I wanted to keep reading. I usually read in the couple hours after 5th period that I had before cross country practice, or a lot of times I read in the evening closer to when I go to bed. I'm going to challenge myself for the rest of the semester to read an even amount throughout the week, instead of cramming 150 pages into the last 3 days of the week. Reading is a relaxing thing so I definitely need to keep myself less stressed by spreading out the reading.

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