Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Last week....

Last week I forgot to blog twice...so I'm going to do that now! For the last half of the week I read the book It by Stephen King, and its continuing to creep me out. In what I read last week, a few different events occurred. All the kids that were related in the incident back in 1958 were called by one of their childhood friends by phone, and completely dropped everything to leave for Derry. Each man or woman had made a promise in their childhood that if It were to come back and starting wreaking havoc, they would come back to Derry. The first man called was either killed, or committed suicide, in a bathtub, drowning in his own blood will the word IT was carved into his arms. The other people were all either in abusive relationships, or relationships that they "settled" into. Each of their significant others had no idea why the phone call made them freak out and act so different. And many recalled the specific expressions on their face after the phone call.They all did crazy things that they typically never would have done before the phone call.

At my point in the book, they are about to arrive in Derry. I don't know how soon they will encounter It, but I'm nervous for it because this book is scaring me. A couple of times I have skipped out on reading because the only time I will be able to read is at night and the book freaks me out  to much...I end up throwing it out onto the floor outside my room haha. I know it scares me, but for some reason I love being scared.The adrenaline rush is what gets me I think. Like i know if I watch a scary movie alone I'm gonna cry from fright, but for some reason I do it anyway (only when it's light out though...). This book is sooo long, I think it'll take me forever to finish but I've always wanted to read it, so its not a big deal.

Right now my mind is more concentrated on Sectionals tonight!

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