Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It reading this week.

This week I've been reading It by Stephen King, and a lot of different encounters have happened with whatever "It" is. People see different things for "it," kind of like whatever their fear is. So far most people see the clown, but a couple different kids have seen different monsters for  "it." One kid (who had his head ripped off) saw a green sea monster, while another kid saw a giant black bird-like thing (which he escaped from). At this point the story hasn't gotten to the point of defeating "It;" the story has only mentioned that every kid in the group has seen "it" but has kept it hidden until this point

What I've learned from this portion of reading is about loneliness, and how grateful I should be for having as many friends as I do. Some days, I'm sure for everyone, it feels like you don't have many people to talk to about your problems, but in reality, you're just being self-centered, because a lot of teenage kids don't have any friends. Ben Hanscom is one of those kids, and he is really happy when he finally meets some friends, Stuttering Bill and Eddie Kaspbrak. They are all bullied by the older kids that were held back into their grade, but they become friends when they decide to build a dam together. The book is very descriptive about how excited Ben is to finally have some friends. So overall this section of the book put a very grateful mood into my week.

Also, this week, the reading hasn't really been scaring me, so I'm able to read the book at night now without throwing the book outside my room from fright. But I have a feeling that in the next couple days that will change...We'll see.

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