Friday, October 21, 2011


Books this week:
It by Stephen King
Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo

It= 300-355 (55 pages)
Heaven is for Real= 1-105 (105 pages)

Total this week= 160 pages
Total this semester 1,164 pages

Style Mapping Favorites:
In another excerpt from The Mud Below, Annie Proulx creates a poetic and loose style that has somewhat of a country twang which creates a melodious sound.

I like this sentence because it uses words different than those on the blackboard. I like the use of "country twang."

the Chief:
The adealine injected cheering of the crowd and violent spasisms of the bull give a noisy claging sound to this excert.

although there are some spelling mistakes, I think that this excerpt has some good word choice!

Less than Three:
It pays no heed to the way that words sound together and has extraordinarily little figurative language.

Again, really good word choice. I think that her paragraph was overall really good, and she understands the concept of style mapping.

These three have chosen the best adjectives that weren't on the board.

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