Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Screwtape Letters

This week I finished the Screwtape Letters. It was a very intriguing book, although very confusing. One of the  biggest topics was the concept of 'Mine:' what humans claim belongs to them. For example, the biggest one we use is, "why are you wasting MY time," when in actuality, and even Screwtape admits, that time belongs completely to God. Screwtape is kind of embarrassed for humans that they should call it "their" time, instead of saying it belongs to God.
The end of the book is what really got to me I think. In the book, there was a war going on. Wormwood was explaining to Screwtape the exciting details of the war and how it was expected to kill his "patient," but Screwtape said how terrible he was for thinking that, because if he died, all their work would be futile, and the guy would go to Heaven. Screwtape said they needed to keep the guy alive for as long as possible, because that would mean their was still some hope of converting him. He tries to think of three possible routes they could take to convert him in the last few moments he is alive, one of them being hatred. They try frantically to put theories in the human's head, but in the end the human sees Wormwood and realizes every doubt he had about God was a lie. And what's even cooler is that the angels come, and the human can talk to them as he's dying, but Wormwood is defenseless and can't get anywhere near the angels. The human dies with a smile on his face. I just think that's really neat.
I'm really tired of being stressed out and I hope this week I can catch up on some things and just be less stressed for a while...

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