Wednesday, November 9, 2011

last blog?....

Well, this wasn't my intent, but Monday night I finished A Walk to Remember... and I read 200 pages of it. I couldn't stop reading! I think since I already kind of knew what happens I was waiting for a specific part to happen and it never did, so I kept reading and reading...and eventually I came to the point (where Jamie tells Landon she has cancer.) By then I didn't have much left to read so I just kept reading until I finished. And man oh man, was I bawling my eyes out at the end! It's such a bittersweet book....they both find true love, but it only lasts for a few months until she dies. Can you imagine? I kept coming out of my room with tears in my eyes, telling my mom "I wish I was her!! well, sort of..." She was so lucky to have someone be so in love with her like that, and yet extremely unlucky because she had terminal cancer. Sometimes she annoyed me, because she seemed a little boring, but I think her extreme kindness kind of outdid that part of her. Within the last five pages I had tears streaming down my face, and when I got up to brush my teeth I looked in the mirror and had mascara all over my face haha...kinda funny.
It didn't feel like I was reading all that long, but I read 200 pages, so it must have been a while. I didn't do any other homework Monday night, which was bad of me...but with the 200 pages for this week out of the way, I think it's safe to say that I'll have more time to focus on other homework this week. And if I finish it all, I may even start a new book! But I'm pretty darn busy, so we'll have to see. I'm so sick of being busy, I would someone would just cut me a break sometimes. However, I should be grateful for everything I have. After all, Thanksgiving is coming up soon! ahhhh, I love the holidays!!!

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