Friday, August 26, 2011


Bag of Bones, Stephen King

This Week: 135 pages

Sentences of the Week:

1. "It was the voice of a man on the raw edge of panic, and hardly seemed like my own voice at all."

This is on page 41, during a nightmare that Mike is having and he can hear himself speaking in his dream. However, it sounds like someone else's voice to him because of how completely frightened he sounds. I like this sentence because it really demonstrates the sheer panic he feels when he experiences these nightmares.

2. You were just the first bird to sing into the silence, Ralph, that's all.

This is a thought Mike has to himself while talking to a man in town. Ralph has just asked him how he has been since his wife died, and recommended he go on vacation. I like this sentence because its kind of like a breakthrough for Mike, who realizes that its time to get away for a while.

3. "She didn't do it in any ostentatious Lady Bountiful  way, either, but unobtrusively and humbly, with her head lowered."

Mike is talking about how his wife used to visit the sick, help out at blood drives, and just volunteering a lot in Castle County. I like this sentence because its really easy to understand how highly Mike thought of his wife, and how great of a person his wife really was.

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